11 Steps to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft: Step 7

Step 7: Pay close attention to your bills.

 Know your billing cycles. If your bills are even a couple days late, contact your creditor. Late or missing bills could mean that an identity thief has changed the mailing address on an account to avoid detection.  Review your credit card bills and checking account statements as soon as they arrive, and look into any suspicious checks or charges right away.

Have any cards you don’t need or use? Consider canceling them. A thief could get access to that dormant account, and you would only find out about it once bills started arriving in your mailbox. For those of you worried about possibly hurting your credit score by closing dormant accounts, Liz Pulliam Weston from MSN Money suggests not closing your oldest account (as credit scores are based partly on length of credit history) and not closing several accounts at once. Credit scores are also partly based on your debt as a percentage of your available credit, so closing several accounts would greatly reduce your available credit without changing the size of your debt.

Source: MD Producer