Who We Best Serve

We are proud to have served a diverse clientele for over 30 years. And while our strategies work well with a wide array of individuals, and our team has a unique way of sharing their knowledge in order to make it approachable and understandable to everyone, we specialize in working with detail-oriented intellectuals with IRAs and retirement plans.

If you are:

  • Participatory,
  • In a marriage, long-term relationship, or otherwise concerned about
    your family’s financial security,
  • Analytical,
  • Retired or near-retirement,
  • With a majority of your assets in IRAs and retirement plans…

and you are looking for:

  • A long-term strategic investment plan ($250,000 asset min. for investment clientele only),
  • Roth IRA and Roth IRA conversion optimization,
  • Solid, peer-reviewed tax advice,
  • Social Security benefit maximization,
  • Or health care cost analysis and protection planning…

Our firm may be the perfect fit for you and your family.

With a number of scientists, entrepreneurs, business analysts, doctors, and engineers of all kinds, as well as over 500 professors as clients, our process is well-suited to academic and quantitative personalities. We relish the opportunity to work with each family’s individual needs and goals and we make you an integral part of the planning by not only sharing specific recommendations, but by explaining why we’ve arrived at these suggestions and showing you the comparative details of other available avenues.

All of our clients always walk away with a firm grasp of what strategies are in their best interests and what steps are needed to achieve their goals. But we don’t stop there.

Depending on the scope of services you subscribe to we will proactively implement or help you proactively implement your personal plan.

Individuals, traditional and non-traditional families, and couples in long-term relationships who are qualified are invited to contact us for a Free Second Opinion meeting with Jim Lange. To see if you qualify, please fill out the form below and someone from our office will contact you. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to working with you.