For more than 30 years, I have tried to provide valuable information that helps clients and readers get the most out of the money they’ve got. My marketing has almost always consisted of newsletters, articles, books, in-person presentations, webinars, and now virtual summits where we include other speakers. I also try to include personal anecdotes that attempt to provide value. That tradition continues. We have the following events coming up:
June 18, 19 and 20, 2024 – DisabledChildPlanning.com/June
Financial and Life Planning Summit for Parents of a Child with a Disability
(a virtual conference featuring the three authors of Retire Secure for Parents of a Child with a Disability, plus Tatyana McFadden, celebrity speaker who won 20 Paralympic medals and was the producer/star of Rising Phoenix, a Netflix original drama, which won two Emmy awards, and yet to be announced additional disability experts)
June 22, 2024 – PayTaxesLater.com/JuneWorkshops
Live In-Person Event in Pittsburgh!
Specific Steps That You Should Implement Now: FREE Educational Workshops for IRA and Retirement Plan Owners with Large Retirement Plans and/or IRAs
(Crowne Plaza Pittsburgh South in the South Hills)
Upcoming Podcast Appearances DisabledChildPlanning.com/Newsroom
Most of the following podcasts are recorded and available to podcast subscribers. I have negotiated with every podcaster to allow me to post the podcast on my website so over the next two months, more and more recordings of these podcasts will be available.
Parenting Impossible
Inclusive Education Project
The Learning Disability Experts
Attention Talk Radio
Adventures in Brain Injury
Water Prairie Chronicles
Living with an Invisible Learning Challenge
SPED Homeschool
The Bipolar Battle
All You Ever Wanted to Know about Special Education

Three Specific Steps That You Should Implement Now:
FREE Educational Webinars for Married IRA and Retirement Plan Owners with Large Retirement Plans and/or IRAs
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Register to attend one, two or all three sessions at:
Call 412-521-2732 or Register at
Crowne Plaza, 164 Fort Couch Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15241
(across from South Hills Village)
Two easy ways to reserve your seats now.
Session #1: 10 am – Noon Eastern
Wealth Preserving Roth Conversion Strategies That You May Have Missed
This workshop will address critical fundamentals like “pay-taxes-later except for Roth plans” but, as a consequence of the SECURE Act, we introduce new exceptions to consider during the accumulation, distribution, and estate planning stages of your life. The SECURE Act restricts the time that beneficiaries can hold onto inherited tax-advantaged retirement/IRA plans. That means massive income tax acceleration for your children unless you and your heirs take protective action. We will also cover how to take advantage of the even more recent legislation SECURE Act 2.0 and introduce new cutting-edge Roth conversion strategies.
In this session, we will cover both foundational as well as little known advanced Roth conversion techniques…
- The peer-reviewed math and optimal timing for Roth IRA conversions.
- The back-door Roth IRA.
- How individuals born between 1951 and 1959 can profit from SECURE Act 2.0.
- How to move a portion of your taxable investments (IRAs and other retirement plans) to the tax-free investing environment (529 plans, your children’s Roth IRAs, and more). This shift could potentially be more valuable to your children than making Roth IRA conversions in your own accounts.
- Capitalizing on Roth IRA conversions through 2025 while favorable income tax rates remain and before the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act’s Sunset Provisions take effect in 2026 and tax rates go up substantially.
- How you could benefit from the new rules allowing employers to contribute to an employee’s Roth retirement plan. (Previously, employers were only allowed to contribute to tax-exempt traditional plans.)
- We will also examine the timing synergy between when you begin taking Social Security and making Roth conversions.
And we’ll also cover advanced concepts for Roth IRA conversions including…
- How to transition after-tax dollars in retirement plans to a Roth IRA at no cost—potentially saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes down the road.
- How to convert an inherited retirement plan to a Roth at your beneficiary’s tax rate, not your own, after you die. (This is a little-known strategy with big tax savings for those who qualify.)
Session #2: 12:30 – 2:30 PM Eastern
Outsmarting the SECURE Act: The Best and Most Flexible Estate Plan for Married IRA Owners, Combined with Optimal Trust Planning for IRAs and Retirement Plans
Successful retirement planning is critical, but if you don’t get your estate planning right, your family could lose hundreds of thousands in taxes. That can be prevented.
The SECURE Act is no friend to many IRA and retirement plan owners with $1 million or more in retirement plans. Unless you take aggressive action, it is likely that your loved ones will take a massive income tax hit upon inheriting any money from those plans. We will provide strategies to avoid massive taxation and explain how our disclaimer-based estate planning system fits into the picture. We believe it is the best estate plan for most married IRA and retirement plan owners.
We will combine our newest thinking with some of our classic strategies for protecting your children or grandchildren from themselves, but also creditors, possibly including their spouse.
Getting trusts right, particularly when the underlying asset is an IRA or retirement plan is crucial. In our reviews of trusts of this type, more than half the trusts we examine are not done right. This common estate planning mistake can be devastating for families with a large IRA and who prefer leaving money to one or more beneficiaries in a trust rather than leaving it to them outright. This could be a minor’s trust, a spendthrift trust, or an asset protection trust. This workshop shines a light on this common sloppy and costly estate planning errors and how you can avoid them.
In this session, you’ll discover…
- How Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) of inherited IRAs and retirement plans were so advantageous under the old law in sharp contrast to the onerous rules in the SECURE Act.
- How the SECURE Act and the SECURE Act 2.0 changes could impact your family and your legacy.
- How to ensure financial security for the surviving spouse, and potentially save hundreds of thousands to pass on to your heirs after the SECURE Act.
- The details of the best (and most flexible) estate plan for married couples known as Lange’s Cascading Beneficiary Plan™.
We’ll also dive into trust planning strategies, including…
- The pros and cons of having your heirs inherit your IRA and other retirement assets directly versus through a trust.
- Why, under certain circumstances, naming a charitable trust as the beneficiary of IRAs and retirement assets might be an excellent strategy.
- The growing popularity of the “I don’t want my no-good son-in-law to inherit one red cent of my money” trust.
- A rarely discussed strategy―Who Gets What?—evaluates the tax advantages of leaving differing types of assets to children depending on their tax brackets. We will cover a similar strategy for charitable giving. By optimizing your strategies using our Who Gets What? analysis, you could save hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes.
Session #3: 3 – 5 PM Eastern
Taming Parents’ Financial Fears for their Special Needs Child
Jim’s special needs daughter will be better off by $1,890,544* in today’s dollars using three strategies that potentially could also be life changing for your family.
Jim: My wife and I lost many nights of sleep agonizing over what our daughter’s future would hold after we are gone. Before I came up with our preferred solution, all we could think of was: work longer, save more, spend less, and leave more. Then, I figured out this three-pronged solution: (1) qualify your child for SSI or SSDI, (2) get the estate planning right, and (3) do a series of Roth IRA conversions.
The third prong is universally overlooked. Tax laws including both the SECURE Act and SECURE Act 2.0 provide incredible benefits for parents of a special needs child to consider Roth conversions. Even for parents with a modest $500,000 IRA, optimizing Roth IRA conversions could make a difference of $239,000* in today’s dollars for your special needs child over their lifetime.
In this session, you’ll discover...
- The huge benefits of optimizing your Roth IRA conversion strategy for your special needs child while strengthening your position.
- Why you should almost certainly establish an ABLE account for your child.
- Rollover possibilities for 529 and Roth plans into an ABLE Plan which, in many ways, is better than a Roth IRA.
- Who Gets What? Sophisticated legacy planning for children with dissimilar needs and situations.
- The importance of drafting a Special Needs Trust to protect your child’s government benefits and preserve the enormous tax benefits that qualified special needs children can benefit from.
Advanced concepts for Roth IRA conversion:
- Transition after-tax dollars in retirement plans, to a Roth IRA at no cost—potentially saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes down the road.
- How to plan for the conversion of an inherited retirement plan to a Roth at your beneficiary’s tax rate, not your own.
*Assumptions available at https://PayTaxesLater.com/Assumptions
Crowne Plaza, 164 Fort Couch Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15241
(across from South Hills Village)
Two easy ways to reserve your seats now.
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Call 412-521-2732 or Register at
6 Valuable Bonus Gifts: Yours FREE When You Attend Any Session!
Bonus 1: Register today and we will mail you a free hardcover copy of Jim’s magnum opus, Retire Secure for Professors and TIAA Participants, the best book Jim and his team have ever written.
Bonus 2: Your next gift is a digital copy of Jim’s best-selling book, Retirement Plan Owner’s Guide to Beating the New Death Tax, detailing how to respond to the SECURE Act.
Bonus 3: You will receive a digital copy of Jim’s 276-page best-seller, The Roth Revolution: Pay Taxes Once and Never Again. Jim shows how to use a series of Roth IRA conversions to grow income from your IRAs tax-free.
Bonus 4: For your fourth gift, you will receive a laminated copy of our 2023-2024 Tax Planning Card.
Bonus 5: Attendees will also receive FREE hard cover copy of Jim’s brand-new book, Retire Secure for Parents of a Child with a Disability.
Bonus 6: Qualified attendees are eligible for a FREE Retire Secure Initial Consultation with Jim Lange and one of his number-crunching CPAs.
Disclaimer: Lange Accounting Group, LLC offers guidance on retirement plan distribution strategies, tax reduction, Roth IRA conversions, saving and spending strategies, optimized Social Security strategies, and gifting plans. Although we bring our knowledge and expertise in estate planning to our recommendations, all recommendations are offered in our capacity as CPAs. We will, however, potentially make recommendations that clients could have a licensed estate attorney implement.
Asset location, asset allocation, and low-cost enhanced index funds are provided by the investment firms with whom Lange Financial Group, LLC is affiliated. This would be offered in our role as an investment advisor representative and not as an attorney.
Lange Financial Group, LLC, is a registered investment advisory firm registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Banking, Harrisburg, PA. In addition, the firm is registered as a registered investment advisory firm in the states of AZ, FL, NY, OH, and VA. Lange Financial Group, LLC may not provide investment advisory services to any residents of states in which the firm does not maintain an investment advisory registration. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. All investing involves risk, including the potential for loss of principal. There is no guarantee that any strategy will be successful. Indexes are not available for direct investment. If you qualify for a free consultation with Jim and attend a meeting, there are two services he and his firms have the potential to offer you. Lange Accounting Group, LLC could offer a one-time fee-for-service Financial Masterplan. Under the auspices of Lange Financial Group, LLC, you could potentially enter into an assets-under-management arrangement with one of Lange’s joint venture partners.
Please note that if you engage Lange Accounting Group, LLC and/or Lange Financial Group, LLC for either our Financial Masterplan service or our assets-under-management arrangement, there is no attorney/client relationship in this advisory context.
Although Jim will bring his knowledge and expertise in estate planning to this workshop and to the meetings, it will be conducted in his capacity as a financial planning professional and not as an attorney. This is not a solicitation for legal services.