Guest: Paul Hood, JD, LLm

Guest of The Lange Money Hour: Where Smart Money Talks

The Lange Money Hour Guests
The Lange Money Hour has featured some of the country’s
leading IRA, retirement planning and financial experts.

Guest: Paul Hood, JD, LLm

L. Paul Hood, Jr. received his J.D. from Louisiana State University Law Center in 1986 and Master of Laws in Taxation from Georgetown University Law Center in 1988.

Paul is a co-author, along with Timothy R. Lee, ASA, of A Reviewer’s Handbook to Business Valuation: Practical Guidance to the Use and Abuse of Business Appraisals, which was published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Paul is a frequent speaker, is widely quoted and his articles have appeared in a number of publications, including BNA Tax Management Memorandum, CCH Journal of Practical Estate Planning, Estate Planning, Valuation Strategies, Digest of Federal Tax Articles, Loyola Law Review, Louisiana Bar Journal, Tax Ideas and Charitable Gift Planning News. He has spoken at programs sponsored by a number of law schools, including Duke, Georgetown, NYU, Tulane, Loyola (N.O.) and LSU, as well as many other professional organizations, including AICPA and NACVA.

From 1996-2004, Paul served on the Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals, a three member board that has jurisdiction over all Louisiana state tax matters. A former fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, he is a member of the Louisiana State Bar Association (inactive).

The Lange Money Hour episodes with this guest:

Episode 119March 18, 2015
Estate Planning for the Modern, Blended Family with guest Paul Hood, JD, LLm

Read Show Transcript | Listen to MP3

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James Lange, CPA

Jim is a nationally-recognized tax, retirement and estate planning CPA with a thriving registered investment advisory practice in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is the President and Founder of The Roth IRA Institute™ and the bestselling author of Retire Secure! Pay Taxes Later (first and second editions) and The Roth Revolution: Pay Taxes Once and Never Again. He offers well-researched, time-tested recommendations focusing on the unique needs of individuals with appreciable assets in their IRAs and 401(k) plans. His plans include tax-savvy advice, and intricate beneficiary designations for IRAs and other retirement plans. Jim’s advice and recommendations have received national attention from syndicated columnist Jane Bryant Quinn, his recommendations frequently appear in The Wall Street Journal, and his articles have been published in Financial Planning, Kiplinger’s Retirement Reports and The Tax Adviser (AICPA). Both of Jim’s books have been acclaimed by over 60 industry experts including Charles Schwab, Roger Ibbotson, Natalie Choate, Ed Slott, and Bob Keebler.