2013 Increased Insurance Pricing Delayed for a Few Life Insurance Carriers

Last fall I made a concerted effort to inform clients that if they were interested in permanent guaranteed life insurance, they needed to get their applications in and dated before December 31, 2012 as premiums were slated to rise between 8% and 20% on January 1, 2013.

Just as predicted, most of the companies have announced price increases, some quite significant.  However, it seems that there are a number of companies that have not yet announced price increases; they were strong enough to meet the reserves required by law for the time being. But, Tom of Pittsburgh Brokerage Services, thinks it is only a matter weeks or maybe months, until those price increases are announced.

As such, if you are interested in permanent guaranteed life insurance, there is still time to lock in the lower 2012 prices before the last companies announce their rate increases.

If you have insurance and are wondering if you are sufficiently insured, or if you think you may need insurance, and you want to lock in yesterday’s rates while they last, please call Alice to schedule your free insurance evaluation.  412.521.2732