11 Steps to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft: Step 10

Step 10: Use caution when using the internet.

The internet provides a wealth of information, financial offers, shopping and other services. However, at the same time, it opens consumers to an array of online scammers and identity thieves. We want you to feel secure going online and checking out our website to learn about Roth IRA Conversions, Estate Planning, Asset Managment and Tax planning services.  So read on to find out how to be use the internet and protect your identity with confidence.

A few ways online scammers commit identity theft is through phishing. Phishing is when a pop-up or email claims they are from a business that you may deal with, such as your bank, and they ask you to update, validate of confirm account information. These are bogus and can be costly. Make it a policy to never respond to emails or pop-ups that ask for personal or financial information. You should also protect yourself from spam. Many internet providers offer filtering software to help limit the amount of spam that gets through to email users. Some tactics to help prevent identity theft through the internet are:

  • Use creative passwords.
  • Protect your personal information. Share your information only with companies you know and trust.
  • Know who you are dealing with.
  • Take your time. Resist the urge to “act now” despite tempting offers.
  • Read the small print.
  • Never pay for a “free” gift.

Some material provided by MD Producer