Emergency Fiscal Cliff Survival Guide

This emergency guide is my best attempt to help you survive the fiscal cliff.  As yet there is no agreement to avoid “going over the cliff.”  There may be a partial solution passed before the deadline, but we can’t pin our hopes and our money on that possibility.  Accordingly, we have developed recommendations for what you should do between now and the end of the year. This emergency alert is not intended as an economic outlook or a political statement.  It is my best advice for what you should be doing between now and the end of the year to protect yourself and your family.

If no agreement is reached, tax rates on income, estates, gifts, capital gains and dividends will increase.  There are specific action points to protect your family from each potential increase.  Please understand that I am realistic enough to recognize that going over the cliff, (meaning there won’t be any meaningful changes to the tax laws before year-end) it is possible, even likely, that there will be some compromises after year-end.  Of course, advice will vary from taxpayer to taxpayer.  In addition, these recommended action points may be inappropriate for you depending on your situation and what tax changes will occur before year-end, and changes after year-end.  Obviously, if appropriate, we encourage you to seek individual attention with your trusted advisor, CPA, attorney, etc.  Our office will make every effort to accommodate your needs even if we have to work evenings and weekends.

For the Emergency Fiscal Cliff Survival Guide follow this link: https://paytaxeslater.com/eblast/2012_12_27/