New Book Available Now!
And Why It Might Be Relevant to You
Even If You Aren’t a Professor
We are pleased to announce that an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of my new book, Retire Secure for Professors: Maximizing and Protecting Your TIAA, IRAS, and Other Retirement Assets is available now. If you would like to receive your “hot off the press” copy, either digital or print copy or both, for either you or a friend, please go to to request a free copy.
Here is an excerpt:
Required Minimum Distribution of the Inherited IRA Under the SECURE Act
Under the SECURE Act, an Inherited Traditional IRA, subject to exceptions, must be fully distributed and taxed by December 31 of the year that includes the tenth anniversary of the IRA owner’s date of death. This causes a massive income tax acceleration and many lost years of income-tax-deferred growth compared to the pre-SECURE Act law. One small consolation is the beneficiary of the Inherited IRA can make withdrawals any time within ten years of the IRA owner’s death.
In the case of an Inherited Roth IRA, the distributions to the beneficiary are not taxable because the original Roth IRA owner paid the taxes. Inherited Roth IRAs continue to grow income-tax-free. Under the old law, the Roth IRA beneficiary could “stretch” the tax-free distributions over his or her life expectancy, like an Inherited Traditional IRA.
Under the SECURE Act, an Inherited Roth IRA, subject to exceptions, must be fully distributed within 10 years of the original owner’s death. This doesn’t cause a massive income tax acceleration, but it does mean the beneficiary is losing many years of income-tax-free growth that was available to them under the old law.
Though it primarily is written with professors in mind, much of the content is relevant for all IRA and retirement plan owners. Getting the book and reading the chapters that aren’t specific to professors or TIAA would likely be an excellent use of your time.
But we do encourage you to ask for a print copy and/or a digital copy of Retire Secure for Professors for you and/or your friends by going to or by calling Edie at 412-521-2732.