Effective Friday, March 20, 2020, and in accordance with Governor Wolf’s order that “all non-life-sustaining businesses” in Pennsylvania close their physical locations indefinitely, we are temporarily closing our Squirrel Hill offices.

Please note that while our physical offices are closed, our office staff will continue to work remotely, and support client needs virtually via phone and email.  Our “Virtual Office” setup is designed to allow our firm to continue providing unparalleled service to our clients in situations just like this. We believe we are fully prepared to successfully conduct our day-to-day operations remotely.

Here are some easy ways to work with us while we honor our state and federal governments’ recommendations regarding the general health and safety of our fellow citizens.

1. Call our offices – Although we are working remotely, any voicemails left for our staff will be immediately delivered and staff will be following up on all voicemails and returning calls from home. To leave a voicemail for your tax preparer, estate planning or administration attorney, CPA/financial planner, or for any other member of our staff, just call our office at 412 521-2732 and follow the instructions Alice provides in the recorded message

2. Send us correspondence or documents – To send any correspondence or documents (including your Tax Organizer if you are a client who uses our tax preparation services) to us, please scan (in some cases using your smartphone to take a photo of the document can be a good and simple solution if you don’t have access to a scanner) and send the information to the applicable staff member by email. Alternatively, you could or reach out to a staff member by email or by phone so they can share their physical address and provide you with additional options to enable you to get them the information and documents they need.

3. To pay a bill or to return an engagement letter, please send your payment (and signed engagement letter if applicable) to:

Attn: Donna Master
107 Alcan Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15239

We will be closely monitoring local, state and federal government recommendations to determine when our offices can resume normal operations. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this rapidly evolving situation alongside you, our loyal clients.

Thank you for your ongoing confidence, care, and trust. We hope you and your family remain safe during these challenging times. As always, we are committed to remaining transparent and keeping you informed of any changes to our approach.