You Must Pass the Tests for Tax-Free Earnings

Part 6 of 10 Things You Must Know About Roth Accounts

Because there’s no tax deduction for Roth contributions, you can retrieve that money at any time free of taxes and penalties, regardless of age.

But for earnings to be tax- and penalty-free, you have to pass a couple of tests. First, you must be 59 1/2 or older. You will get hit with a 10% early-withdrawal penalty and taxes if you take out earnings before you hit age 59 1/2. And you must have had one Roth open for at least five years. If you are 58 and opening your first Roth IRA in 2013, you can tap earnings penalty-free at age 59 1/2, but you won’t be able to tap earnings tax-free until 2018.


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