How IRA Owners Can Beat the New Death Tax Video Series

Table of Contents

The first video in CPA/Attorney James Lange's new video series dedicated to the SECURE Act titled 'What is the SECURE Act?' on

What is the SECURE Act?

The SECURE Act, a new law that became effective this year, includes a provision that could be financially devastating for the children and grandchildren of IRA, 401(k), and other retirement plan owners.

Get Jim’s new book on the SECURE Act here.

Understanding how this provision works and learning strategies to mitigate its impact are critical for retirement plan owners like you who want to protect their families.

You can get Jim’s latest tax-minimization and wealth protection strategies delivered straight to your inbox. Go to to sign up for our email newsletter.

Watch the video here.

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Video 2 of CPA/Attorney James Lange's video series dedicated to the SECURE Act on

What Are The Exceptions to the SECURE Act?

The most important exception to the SECURE Act is that the law does not apply to IRAs that you leave to your surviving spouse. Your surviving spouse can still make a trustee-to-trustee transfer or a rollover of your IRA to her IRA—there is no change from the old law. To learn more get Jim’s book at

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View the video here.

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The third video in CPA/Attorney James Lange's video series dedicated to beating the Death Tax on

Lange’s Cascading Beneficiary Plan: A Key Defense Against the SECURE Act

Lange’s Cascading Beneficiary Plan has been a major staple in Jim Lange’s practice since the 1990s and has been peer-reviewed by many industry heavyweights, including Jane Bryant Quinn.

In this third video learn from Jim this plan is another major tool in combating the SECURE Act. To learn more get Jim’s book at

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View the video here.

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Roth IRA Conversions: A Key Defense Against the SECURE Act

I discuss what has become another major staple in my practice; Roth IRA Conversions. For years Jane Bryant Quinn has said my life’s mantra was, ‘Pay taxes later, except for the Roth’ which I stand by to this day. In this video, you will find out why its another key defense to the SECURE Act.

In this third video learn from Jim this plan is another major tool in combating the SECURE Act. To learn more get Jim’s book at

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View the video here.

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Charitable Remainder Trusts Video 5 of a series by CPA/Attorney James Lange dedicated to strategies to benefit IRA Owners against the SECURE Act on

Charitable Remainder Trusts

This is the fifth video in my series “How IRA Owners Can Beat the New Death Tax – Video Series,” I discuss what will become a major asset in beating the SECURE Act; Charitable Remainder Trusts.

To watch the video click here

In each subsequent video, I do a bit of a deep dive into one of the peer-reviewed and proven strategies from the book.

Anyone with a significant IRA or retirement plan owes it to their loved ones to learn more about the strategies I discuss in this video series. And, if you are one of my subscribers who has not been following my emails and webinars on the SECURE Act, watching this first video would be a great place to start.

To learn more get Jim’s book at Please go to to sign up for our newsletter!

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In the sixth video in the 'What is the SECURE Act' video series by CPA/Attorney Jim Lange, learn how Gifting and Life Insurance can protect against the SECURE Act. Go to for more information

Gifting and Life Insurance

I hope you enjoyed my last video “Charitable Remainder Trusts” In case you missed it and need a refresher on exactly what exceptions you can seek to protect your loved ones, click here to watch that video again.

This is the sixth video in my series “How IRA Owners Can Beat the New Death Tax – Video Series,” I discuss how Gifting and Life Insurance will help protect your family and your finances from the SECURE ACT.

In each subsequent video, I do a bit of a deep dive into one of the peer-reviewed and proven strategies from the book.

Anyone with a significant IRA or retirement plan owes it to their loved ones to learn more about the strategies I discuss in this video series. And, if you are one of my subscribers who has not been following my emails and webinars on the SECURE Act, watching this first video would be a great place to start.

Stay tuned next week for the next video in the series.

Gifting and Life Insurance are another amazing way to protect your wealth from the dreaded SECURE Act.

To learn more get Jim’s book at Please go to to sign up for our newsletter!

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The seventh video in an eight part series in CPA/Attorney James Lange's How IRA and Retirement Plan Owners Can Beat the New Death Tax on

Life Insurance and Roth IRA Conversions

I hope you enjoyed last week’s video “Gifting and Life Insurance” In case you missed it and need a refresher on exactly what exceptions you can seek to protect your loved ones, click here to watch that video again.

This is the seventh video in my series “How IRA Owners Can Beat the New Death Tax – Video Series,” I discuss how Life Insurance and Roth IRA Conversions will help protect your family and your finances from the SECURE ACT.

In each subsequent video, I do a bit of a deep dive into one of the peer-reviewed and proven strategies from the book.

Anyone with a significant IRA or retirement plan owes it to their loved ones to learn more about the strategies I discuss in this video series. And, if you are one of my subscribers who has not been following my emails and webinars on the SECURE Act, watching this first video would be a great place to start.

Stay tuned next week for the next video in the series.

Life Insurance coupled with Roth IRA Conversions is yet another amazing way to protect your wealth from the dreaded SECURE Act.

To learn more get Jim’s book at Please go to to sign up for our newsletter!

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Image for the video series by CPA/Attorney James Lange titled Asset Location and Asset Allocation dedicated to combating the SECURE Act on

Asset Location and Asset Allocation

I hope you enjoyed last week’s video “Gifting and Life Insurance” In case you missed it and need a refresher on exactly what exceptions you can seek to protect your loved ones, click here to watch that video again.

This is the eighth and final video in my series “How IRA Owners Can Beat the New Death Tax – Video Series,” I discuss how Asset Location and Asset Allocation will help protect your family and your finances from the SECURE ACT.

In each of these videos, I took a deep dive into each one of the peer-reviewed and proven strategies from the book.

Anyone with a significant IRA or retirement plan owes it to their loved ones to learn more about the strategies I discuss in this video series. And, if you are one of my subscribers who has not been following my emails and webinars on the SECURE Act, watching this first video would be a great place to start.

Stay tuned next week for the next video in the series.

Life Insurance coupled with Roth IRA Conversions is yet another amazing way to protect your wealth from the dreaded SECURE Act.

To learn more get Jim’s book at Please go to to sign up for our newsletter!

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